Press Articles relating to
South Beach Village coastal land setback, contamination, erosion,
click on links or thumbnail images to read full sized article. Letters to Editors
Some Coogee
Prestige Property section of "Sunday Times",
and (page
2) 23 April 2006 "Storm
on the Beach" article quoting SaveSouthBeach campaign and
Stockland . Hardly what Stockland were wanting to promote their
development. Check out the Stockland aerial photo "Artists
Impression" of the development and tell us what you think.
Erosion concern for beach homes "Fremantle Herald" 25 March
2006 Nature keeps on.
Council votes for pole "Fremantle Herald" 25 March 2006
Could this be the ugliest pole on the entire Perth beachfront ?
Stockland shuts door on activists "Fremantle Herald" 13 August
2005 Is legal action only for the big end of town ?
ANI all clear "Fremantle Rooster" 5 August
2005 The Government steamrolls ahead.
Tip plan is rejected "Fremantle Gazette" 2-8 August
2005 Freo Council reject development plan for old tip site
Cleaning up at South Beach "Fremantle Herald"
4 July 2005 "Thinking Allowed" column by Adele Carles.
Save South Beach court case on hold "Fremantle Herald"
24 March 2005, Supreme Court justice thinks it over.
Poisonous Fear "Fremantle
Herald" 5 March 2005, local mothers want children's blood
tested for Lead
Tower fails enviro test: WAPC "Fremantle Rooster"
4 March 2005, hi-rise development trumpeted by Cockburn Mayor Lee just
prior to Feb 26 election.
McGinty wants EPRA style body for local beachfront "Fremantle Rooster"
4 March 2005, stands for East Perth Redev.
Authority. The sort of solution pollies turn to
when the shortcomings of bureaucracy become too painfully obvious.
Super-agency idea for beach development "Fremantle Rooster"
4 March 2005, page 18, continued from page 1.
Jim McGinty discovers rail line south of Fremantle "Fremantle Rooster"
4 March 2005, more rail noise for future South Beach Village. (say !!
at this rate Jim will soon discover the 100 year old Fremantle Lead
Tsunami disaster a powerful warning "Gazette
"11 January 2005, quoting Andrew Sullivan of Coastal
Planning Coalition
Beaks sit on beach "Fremantle Herald"
8 January 2005, SaveSouthBeach files legal proceedings in Supreme
Beach dust-up fears "Fremantle Herald"
18 December 2004, Front Page reports by Warren Hately
A toxic legacy by the seaside "Fremantle
Herald" 18 December 2004, Thinking allowed
by Kelly Duckworth
Dispute over state of dunes "Gazette",
14 September 2004, by Gemma Criddle
Seal of disapproval "Gazette", 6
September 2004, storms unearth old contamination problem
Coogee legal action considered, "Gazette",
20 July 2004, pathway ahead for Coogee development not crystal clear
Protest at coastal plan talk, "Gazette"
20 July 2004, more on Minister's Cockburn coastal vision meeting
Update was "out-of-date", letter to Editor "Gazette",
20 July 2004, comments on
Stockland's June letter box flyer, it was a bad month for them.
Beach-whacked, Minster presents Cockburn Council with coastal vision, "Herald" 17 July 2004
Newman disappoints, letter to Editor "Herald"
17 July 2004, comments on previous article by the Professor.
Clean up your act, Stockland "Gazette"
29 June 2004
Families vow to fight them on the beach "The
Weekend Australian" 26-27 June 2004
Hulme sells up "Herald" 12
June 2004 This leaves Stockland as sole owner, lucky
Developer strikes back "Gazette" 1
June 2004, Photo map, we are sceptical of 90m
marked here. Photo of statue
of C.Y. O'Connor who tragically suicided on his horse in the sea here a
century ago.
Riders want beach development reined in "Gazette"
1 June 2004 Horse and racing heritage issue.
Beach on heritage track "Herald" 29
May 2004 Minister "..draws strength.." from C.Y. O'Connor's memory
MacTiernan dismisses calls on horse beach "The
West Australian" 29 May 2004
Group boycotts talks "Gazette"
25 May 2004
ANI STINK "Fremantle Herald"
22 May 2004
Perron scratches beach project from his rich list "The West Australian" 21 May
Site clean-up health concerns "Gazette"
27 April 2004
South Beach clean-up delay "Fremantle
Herald" 9 April 2004
Call to kill South Beach village "Cockburn
Herald" 9 April 2004
Group claims flaw in plan "Gazette"
20 January 2004
Call to fence "toxic" dunes "Sunday
Times" 30 November 2003
Lead ashtray at South Beach "Fremantle
Herald" 22 November 2003 (we think they meant Lead
Minister rejects contamination call "The
West Australian" 17 November 2003
Beach activists cry "toxic soil" "Sunday
Times" 16 November 2003
Claiming the strip. "Fremantle Herald"
thinking allowed column by Adele Carles 8 November 2003
Super friends fend for South Beach. "Fremantle
Herald" 1 November 2003
Rally to save beach. "Fremantle Gazette"
28 October 2003
Legal threat on coastal setback. "Fremantle
Gazette", 21 October 2003
Village by sea faces court bid. "Sunday Times"
19 October 2003
Fight for beach hots up. "The West Australian"
17 October 2003
Front page from WA section of "The Australian" 3 Sept 2003
The West Australian 3 Sept 2003
The Fremantle Herald 6 Sept 2003
Fremantle Gazette 9 Sep 2003
Fremantle Herald 19 Sep 2003
The West Australian 20 Sep 2003
Fremantle Gazette 23 Sep 2003
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