Eroding cliff line at back of beach
click on thumbnails for full picture For 2 pdf reports, 1 into criteria of cliff retreat and 2, the study of aerial photos which demonstrates 40m of beach retreat since 1994.
Cliff details December 2002, shows dark industrial casting sands and warning sign (not present now) Strictly not dunes but simply an eroding industrial rubbish dump mixed with some natural material.
Cliff details May 2003, shows dark industrial casting sands and a slip.
Cliff details 15 September 2003 shows protruding scrap iron, erosion undercut beneath soil horizon and shrubs with roots in thin air after substrate collapse.
Cliff details 15 September 2003 shows slab of soil horizon slipped down face rotated backwards, protruding scrap iron, and shrub with roots in thin air after substrate collapse.
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